Some blockchain may be seen as an OS (operating system) for computers-distributed-in-the-wild - Dero - Holochain. English.
"Les CRIs : Some blockchain may be seen as an OS (operating system) for computers-distributed-in-the-wild - Dero - Holochain. English."
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Mis-sur-site : 31/12/2022
/ Mis-à-jour : 31/12/2022
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En préparation, pour la rédaction de cet article :
Dero is a kind of OS (operating system) ?
I feel that Dero is as an OS (operating system).
It enable to run a system. On which other run code, and
application, on it. Relying on it for the run of lower layers.
The system : several computers distributed around the world, where so ever.
Distributed Hardware... With distributed owners and runners of these hardwares.
Dero, and some other blockchain like Holochain, and may be Xen (With VME) also.
Other way to see it :
Before ... The beginning of OS.
Unix, Windows, OpenBSD, Linux (and so many distribution),
Android (from Linux),...
And few that are more or less dead : Nokia, ancestor of
Haku, palm pilot, psion,.......
What made the success of windows was the thighed link with
MS Office (Word ! Then Excel).
And strong commercial strategy.
What made the success of Linux os, among other thing is
that it is distributed.
Distributed in the kernel, in the SCM git.
Distributed in the build (that we call distributions).
Distributed for the deployment with the repos.
Distributed in the run on computers, smartphone,...
The Unix model of shell commands is distributed. As in
Linux Shell.
Distributed. Not decentralized.
Then VM : virtual machines and Java...
Separate the hardware layer to the softlayer and OS.
Java run from Sim card to mainframes... Through Raspberry
Pi or so...
VMs are everywhere... Mostly in companies (for servers)
Well... VMs.
Power : several OS on one Hardware, lean management of the
hardware resources.
Then containers : packaging and industrial process for
setting up and run some application on an OS.
Power : sober. Just what you need of the OS.
Then the cloud : a collection of hardware, with VM and
containers and pods and kubernetes, openshift, etc... To run application on.
Those tools (VM, containers, kub...) Are kind of the OS of
this system, that is a collection of hardware.
This collection is centralized. Or at most, decentralized,
like in Hybrid Cloud.
Not Distributed.
Power : wide use of tons of machines (hardware) and lean
management of all this.
Amazon did this for his own needs, for the website selling
activities. And provided it to others from the beginning. Big success of this cloud way.
Then ... Next step : OS to store and run applications on
distributed hardwares.
Features of an OS, distributed, yet existing
Storage : there are some like Internxt, or Garage...
Network on computers-distributed-in-the-wild : the Internet itself...
Internet is yet making a network, with computers-distributed-in-the-wild.
And Network appliances distributed-in-the-wild.
Features of an OS : Running apps ? on computers-distributed-in-the-wild ?
Dero ...
Xen may be too ?
So.... is Dero like an OS on computers-distributed-in-the-wild, like some distributed hardwares ?
It seems to.
That what I feel it can be seen as...
"Les CRIs : Some blockchain may be seen as an OS (operating system) for computers-distributed-in-the-wild - Dero - Holochain. English."
vous est proposé par
sous la licence
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Mis-sur-site : 31/12/2022
/ Mis-à-jour : 31/12/2022
Coucou ! 😳
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